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Setup an email account in Microsoft® Outlook® XP or 2003

Before you begin, make sure you have your email account setting provided by Newt.

Step 1: Open Microsoft Office Outlook Express

Step 2: From the "Tools" menu, select "Accounts"

Step 3: Click Add, then select Mail. The Internet Connection Wizard dialog box appears.

Step 4: In the "Display Name" field, type your name, then select "Next"

Step 5: In the "E-mail address" field, type your e-mail address, then select "Next"

Step 6: In the :My incoming mail server is a: drop-down menu, verify that "POP3" is selected

Step 7: In the "Incoming mail" server field, type

Step 8: In the "Outgoing mail" server field, type, then select "Next"

Step 9: In the "Account name" field, type your email address

Step 10: In the "Password" field, type your password

Note: Selecting the Remember password option lets Outlook Express connect to your
mailbox without asking you for your password. Enabling this feature is optional.

Step 11: Select "Next"

Step 12: Click "Finish" to save the new e-mail settings

A few more setting must be be made before you can start using you email account.

Step 13: Select the "Mail" tab

Step 14: Select you new email account, and then select "Properties"

Step 15: Select the "Servers" tab

Step 16: Select the "My server requires authentication" check box, then select "Settings"

Step 17: Verify "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" is selected, then click "OK"

Step 18: Click OK to save the mail account.

Step 19: Click Close to close the Internet Accounts dialog box.

This should have successfully added an email account to your Microsoft Outlook.  If you are having difficulty with accessing you new account follow the following steps.

Step 1: Open Outlook Express

Step 2: From the "Tools" menu, select "Accounts"

Step 3: Select the "Mail" tab, then click once on your email account.

Step 4: Click "Properties"

Step 5: In the "General" tab, verify your name and e-mail address

Step 6: Select the "Servers" tab

Step 7: Verify the following settings:

In the "Incoming mail (POP3)" field, re-type
In the "Outgoing mail (SMTP)" field, re-type
In the "Account name" field, re-type your email address
In the "Password" field, re-type your password. Make sure caps lock is off
Verify that "Log on using Secure Password Authentication" is not selected
Verify that "My server requires authentication" is selected

Step 8: Select Settings.

Step 9: Verify "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" is selected, then select "OK"

Step 10: Select the "Advanced" tab

Step 11: Verify that the "Outgoing Mail (SMTP)" server port number is set to 25

Step 12: Verify that the "Incoming Mail (POP3)" server port number is set to 110

Step 13: Verify the option "Leave a copy of messages on server" is not selected

Step 14: Click "OK"

Step 15: Click "Close" to close the "Internet Accounts" window.

If you are still having difficulty accessing you email account please contact us